A pioneering figure in the Kodiak king crab fishery. A dock on the harbor side of the spit and a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel are named for him. From the NOAA webpage about him: Oscar Dyson worked in Alaska’s fishing industry for a half-century before his death […]
drift net / drift netter (fishing method)
Gillnets, deployed from boats, with weights on the bottom and floats on the top, catch fish by the gills. Mostly used for salmon fishing, but can be used for herring as well.
Dog Salmon Bay Road
In Kodiak. Former name of Alimaq (ah-LEE-muk) Drive (which means dog salmon in Alutiiq) on Near Island.
Dog Bay
In Kodiak, less commonly Dog Salmon Bay. Casual name for Saint Herman Harbor on Near Island. Acceptable on second reference.
Deadman’s Curve
In Kodiak, on Rezanof Drive West above Gibson Cove, where there is a pull-out overlook.
Cry of the Wild Ram
A play about Alexander Baranov performed by Kodiak community members outdoors for years in an outdoor amphitheater, called the the Ram Site, near Fort Abercrombie.
crow / raven
They are not the same. Though they look alike, both being all-black corvids, the raven is significantly larger.
Coast Guard
Acceptable on first reference for United States Coast Guard. Coast Guard Base Kodiak is the largest in the nation in area and in number of service members station here. Members are Coast Guardsmen. Some of the commands at Kodiak Coast Guard base: Communication Station (ComSta – com-stay – acceptable on […]
ch’my Hello in Alutiiq and Yup’ik.
Bow like what a dog says, not like a kind of tie. A type of fishing boat where the net is hauled in over the bow, not the stern.