Name no longer used. See Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education website for current loan and grant programs.
Alaska Public Media
Formerly Alaska Public Telecommunications Inc. Includes KAKM-TV, KSKA FM, and Alaska Public Radio Network.
Alaska Public Interest Research Group
AkPIRG on second reference.
Alaska Native Village CEO Association
ANVCA acceptable on second reference.
Alaska Dispatch News
No “the.” Do not refer to as “Dispatch” or “the Dispatch”; use the full name. ADN may also be acceptable in certain settings.
Alaska Communications
Formerly ACS.
Alaska Chamber
Formerly Alaska State Chamber of Commerce.
Alaska Center for the Performing Arts
Never Performing Arts Center. Three theaters: Sydney Laurence Theatre (350 seats); Discovery Theatre (700 seats); Evangeline Atwood Concert Hall (2,100 seats).
Alaska Center for the Environment
ACE on second reference.
Alaska Baseball League
Amateur collegiate summer baseball league. Includes the Fairbanks Goldpanners, the Mat-Su Miners, the Anchorage Bucs, the Chugiak-Eagle River Chinooks, the Anchorage Glacier Pilots and the Peninsula Oilers.