
A contraction of medical evacuation, (so not medivac). Medevac’d on second reference to avoid the awkward “-vaced.”

marine weather

The forecast for boaters. Some of the terms and abbreviations are: FT = feet, a measure of wave height KTS = knots, a measure of speed in nautical miles per hour MB = millibar, a measure of barometric pressure. Generally, the lower the number, the stormier the weather. Weather advisories […]

limit seiner

A fishing boat 58-feet in length, the longest allowed for salmon fishing here. They can participate in other fisheries, but are called limit seiners because that is the fishery the limit came from.

Kodiak Killers

The pod of mammal-eating orca whales that frequent Kodiak in late winter. They can be positively identified by the presence of a large male with a bent over dorsal fin, known as “Bently.” They often attract a large crowd on the spit.

Kodiak Fisheries Research Center

Building owned by the borough on Near Island. It’s down the second driveway on the left on the road to Trident Basin, and is the building where the big fish tank and touch tank are. Offices include ADF&G, NOAA and University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Use “Kodiak resident” or citizen of Kodiak or something along those lines, though it is acceptable in lighter stories. Do not use Kodiakan.

Kodiak Electric Association

A member-owned cooperative. KEA is acceptable on second reference. It generates most of its electricity from a hydroelectric plant at Terror Lake. It owns three 1.5 megawatt wind turbines on Pillar Mountain, which supplements the hydro. Diesel-electric generators make up the difference.