Scallop fishing method where a scoop made of chain mesh is towed by a fishing boat.
dive (fishing method)
Used for harvesting such species as sea cucumber.
Fisheries Industrial Technology Center
In Kodiak. Operated by the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Down the first driveway on the road to Trident Basin on Near Island.
Do not use. Use “fisherman” (fishermen) in all cases when referring to people who fish, includes women. Acceptable uses: “Astoria Fisher Poets Gathering;” the medium-sized member of the weasel family (of which there are none in Alaska); and those cool Space Pens.
Someone from the Philippines. Not Philipino.
FV / MV / SS
fishing vessel, motor vessel, steamship
The docks that float on the water in the harbors that allow you to walk to the boats. The part that connects them to the shore are called ramps. “Let’s meet at Float A. The work is being done on M and P floats.”
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
EVOS (EE-v’ohss) acceptable on second reference.
The number of salmon that make it back to their home river or lake system to spawn. Used as a management tool in most salmon fisheries.
Peggy Dyson
Wife of Oscar Dyson. Famous in her own right for giving weather forecasts and then personal messages to fishermen over VHF Radio.