Gumby Suit

A survival, or immersion, suit. Avoid using in most cases, especially serious stories. Also Mustang Suit.

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  1. This may be just a regional difference, but in SE a “Gumby” suit is ONLY an Immersion suit. The Mustang, or around here more commonly referred to as a “Stang Suit”, is the “work suit”. The work suit is designed for protection from the elements with the added feature of flotation evolving from a time when cold weather gear was bulky and restricted movement made more cumbersome by adding a life jacket for safety. The jumpsuit or one piece design combining both was a way to increase the use of flotation devices by making them easier and more comfortable for people working and playing on the water. ONLY an Immersion suit is designed to float and retain body heat with water tight seals. Its sole purpose is prolonging survival for as long as possible giving more time for rescue efforts.

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